No-prep XL workbook for The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline.
Pg. 1: Novel workbook cover page
Pgs. 2-22: Chapter questions & vocab activities
Pg. 23: Novel-based crossword puzzle
Pgs. 24-27: Answer key
Pgs. 28-29: Maps
Pg. 30: Canada's Prime Minister statement of apology to Indigenous peoples
Pgs. 31-33: Additional resources and ideas for classroom activities and studies related to the novel
Pgs. 34-35: Book Review Form. This can be used for ANY book or epic poem! A great resource all year long! Asks student to: describe protagonist, summarize book, tell if they recommend it (or not) and why, and rate it.
> Questions for every chapter
> From close reading questions to open ended activities.
> 203 chapter questions total
> About 10% of questions are open-ended thought questions to encourage independent thinking. The rest have right/wrong answers. These are great conversation starters.
> A few questions ask students to sketch a scene
> Vocabulary activity with sketching for each chapter
> Types of questions in each chapter:
- Short Response (complete sentences not required)
- Complete Response (complete sentences required)
- True/False
Example Chapter Questions
-On page 18, Frenchie makes an observation of Miigwans’ shoes. What does his observation tell the reader about Miigwans, or the world?
-At first, Indigenous people were treated one way, then as time passed, they were treated differently. How did the way they were treated change?
-Why does the family encourage independence?
-Make a sketch of the trees described on page 91.
-What does the reader learn about why the world changed?
-Slopper was allowed to hear Story before he was seven.
-The new member of the family is a soft-spoken girl.
-Frenchie falls asleep because he is tired from the long hike.
<>All resources are designed for struggling learners. Perfect modified or alternative resource for special education or below-level learners. Reading comprehension questions are not all higher order. Reflective & no wrong answer style inquiries encourage independent thinking. Roughly 8th grade level.
Same resource on TeachersPayTeachers: $29
The Marrow Thieves Resources