The Marrow Thieves XL Unit
> Resources purchased separately: $45.50
> Please read description carefully.
Workbook (chapter questions, vocab, maps, & more)
Dual Entry Journal
Pg. 1: Cover page
Pgs. 2-23: Chapter questions and vocab activities
Pg. 24: Novel-based crossword puzzle
Pg. 31: Canada's Prime Minister statement of apology to Indigenous peoples
Pgs. 32-34: Additional resources and ideas for classroom activities and studies related to the novel
Pgs. 35-36: Book Review Form. This can be used for ANY book! A career-long resource! Asks student to: describe protagonist, summarize book, tell if they recommend it (or not) and why, and rate it.
> Questions for every chapter (203 questions)
> From close reading questions to open-ended activities
> Vocabulary activity for every chapter.
> About 10% of questions are open-ended thought questions to encourage independent thinking.
> A few questions ask students to sketch a scene.
> Book Review Form at end which can be used for ANY novel, a career-long resource.
> Types of questions
- Short Response (complete sentences not required)
- Complete Response (complete sentences required)
- True/False
Example Chapter Questions
> On page 18, Frenchie makes an observation of Miigwans’ shoes. What does his observation tell the reader about Miigwans, or the world?
> Why does Frenchie touch the fence before Miig can?
> At first, Indigenous people were treated one way, then as time passed, they were treated differently. How did the way they were treated change?
> Why does Frenchie touch the fence before Miig can?
> Why does the family encourage independence? -Make a sketch of the trees described on page 91.
> Slopper was allowed to hear Story before he was seven.
> The new member of the family is a soft-spoken girl.
> Frenchie falls asleep because he is tired from the long hike.
> Covers pages 1-99
> Questions address basic events, characters, surrounding, & relationships
> Answer Key
> 25 questions
- 18 Multiple choice
- 6 True/false
- 1 Short response
> Frenchie’s dad never returned from…
(A) looking for clean water
> What happens to non-Indigenous people in this changed world?
(B) they turn on one another and kill eachother
(C) they try to clean up the pollution
(D) they try to protect Indigenous people
> What are bells used for/as?
(A) to help the family keep dreaming
(D) positive energy for the family
> Maze at the end to keeps students busy and quiet while other finish, just for fun.
> Questions address basic events, characters, surrounding, & relationships
> 25 questions
- 18 Multiple choice
- 6 True/false
- 1 Short response
Example Questions
> What secret does Miig keep from the family, but shares with Frenchie?
(A) Miig can’t dream anymore
(B) the government is burning down the forests to scare out the Indigenous people
(C) a new school is being built in the north
(D) there is no one in the north, he was just trying to give the family hope
> What is Minerva’s miracle?
(A) She comes back to life after the Recruiters kill her
(B) she has the power to destroy the Recruiter's machines
(C) she can use song, Native language, and dreams to destroy the school
> Maze at the end to keeps students busy and quiet while other finish, just for fun.
Limitless journal for use throughout the novel. Teacher can dictate quantity and quality of entries. Includes cover page, and, an example entry.
"Your task in this journal, throughout this novel, is to collect quotes which
<>All resources are designed for struggling learners. Perfect modified or alternative resource for special education or slightly below-level learners. Reading comprehension questions are not all higher order. Reflective & no wrong answer style questions encourage independent thinking. Roughly 8th grade level.
Same resource on TeachersPayTeachers: $48
Individual Marrow Thieves Resources