Pg. 6 Vocabulary Activity
Pg. 7 5 Ws Graphic Organizer
Pg. 11 About the Lost Girls
Pg. 12 Peter Pan and the Lost Boys, Paying It Forward
Pgs. 13-14 Many more resources
Pgs. 15-27 Maps of the Region
> 73 chapter questions
> From close reading questions to open ended-activities
> 5Ws graphic organizer is specific to the novel - not a generic organizer
> Variety of Maps (with & without country borders, with & without cities labeled, etc.)
> Sketching
> Photos throughout including of authors (three of the Lost Boys of Sudan)
Digging Deeper
> Pages 10-14 include: links to streaming audio interviews, videos, articles, free online lessons; information about relevant international organizations; regional political issues; novel information by/about the Lost Girls; documentary information; and much more.
> Activity ideas are scattered throughout pages 10-14, marked by a red waving hand. Activities for group, pair, or independent work are provided (as well as suggestions for use).
Three types of questions
- Short Response (complete sentences not required)
- Written Response (complete sentences required)
- True/False
Example Questions
> Most of the people in Kakuma camp are…
a. Ethiopian b. Sudanese c. Eritrean
> What simile does Alepho use to describe refugee life?
> Benson would rather die walking than _________
> Why is almost every boy bowlegged?
> Why do you think Benson survives the trip from Natinga to Kakuma, despite the odds? Three sentence minimum
> Why do you think the SPLA bodyguard ignores Benson?
> How does the prospect of going to America change Alepho?