Essay Writing
Mini-lessons, Power Points, worksheets, outlines, examples, introduction & conclusions practice, etc.
Materials to make learning & teaching essay writing more successful, especially for struggling learners.
More writing collections:
5 Paragraph Essays: Color-Coded (SpEd Modified) Basic Essay Guide, 4 Examples
Basic Five Paragraph Expository Essay: Color-Coded PowerPoint
Body Paragraphs Trivia Game: Interactive! Kids love it
Conclusion Paragraphs: PowerPoint for beginning & struggling writers
Conclusion Paragraphs: Practice for beginners, review, or sub folder
English & Spanish 5 Paragraph Essays: Color-Coded (SpEd Modified) Basic Essay Guide, 4 Examples
Essay Outline Graphic Organizer & Worksheet: Body Paragraphs
Introduction Paragraph Practice: Great for Beginners or Review
Introduction Paragraphs: PowerPoint Presentation
Introduction Paragraphs: PowerPoint Presentation Worksheet/Assessment FREE
Rough Drafting an Essay, Color-Coded Practice (SpEd modified)
Rubric: Based on Six Traits of Writing - For Teacher or Peer Grading