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Transitions transitional words lesson middle school writing lessons high school Sentence Fluency practice worksheets english language arts six traits
Transitions transitional words lesson middle school writing lessons high school Sentence Fluency practice worksheets english language arts six traits
Transitions transitional words lesson middle school writing lessons high school Sentence Fluency practice worksheets english language arts six traits
Transitions transitional words lesson middle school writing lessons high school Sentence Fluency practice worksheets english language arts six traits
Transitions transitional words lesson middle school writing lessons high school Sentence Fluency practice worksheets english language arts six traits
Transitions transitional words lesson middle school writing lessons high school Sentence Fluency practice worksheets english language arts six traits
Transitions transitional words lesson middle school writing lessons high school Sentence Fluency practice worksheets english language arts six traits
Transitions transitional words lesson middle school writing lessons high school Sentence Fluency practice worksheets english language arts six traits
4/4 star review

Transitional Words Worksheets: Improve Sentence Fluency

Regular price $5.00 Sale

Pg. 1: 13 questions, includes word box of transitions
Pg. 2: 15 questions, two are for students to make up their own sentences using transitions
Pg. 3: Key

> Not simple multiple choice; students have to actually write out sentences and fill in words. Use it for years to help students gain an understanding of what a transition is.

> Learn & Practice. Use it several multiple times each year.
> Apply. Make use of transitions a requirement.
Even occasional use of transitions makes a significant difference in the sentence fluency of below-level writers.

> Correct use of transitions is essential for the writing portion of state tests. How significantly it affects scores may not be obvious until one focuses on teaching transitions. Both the essay portion and the short answer sections of writing tests will show improved scores with better understanding and use of transitions.

Same resource on TeachersPayTeachers: $6

> A more extensive transitions resource: Transitional Words Activity Pack: Improve Sentence Fluency