Post-reading writing activity for The Power by Naomi Alderman
>This post-reading writing assignment is designed to use when the novel is completed.
>It can be used as either a short writing response activity or a full five paragraph essay assignment.
>There are three different relevant and thought-provoking topics for students to select from.
>Detailed questions for each topic are provided to inspire responses. Directions requires answering "all questions for that topic in your response".
>Length and formatting expectations are left blank for teachers' choice. Length may be a one paragraph response, a full five paragraph essay, or something in between.
>Requires use of "details from the text" to support ideas/opinions.
>Includes bulleted list of 12 "Items to consider" to inspire student thoughtfulness. (s.a. religion, control, gender relations & sexuality, relationships, social norms/expectations, etc.)
>Two different grading rubrics included:
-One designed for grading short response (but can be used for larger essays as well)
-One based on the Six Traits of Writing
Pg. 1: Assignment description & expectations
Pg. 2: Two grading rubrics
<> Great modified for special education or below-level learners. Assignment topics are not all higher order thinking; materials are roughly 10th grade level.
** This novel is NOT appropriate for grades 1-12¡
Same resource on TeachersPayTeachers: $10
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