The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Final Writing Project
> T
his post-reading essay assignment is designed to use when the novel is completed and the many meanings, messages, and symbolism in the novel have been discussed.> There are six different, meaningful essay topics for students to select from.
> Highly detailed prompts (including quotes) for each topic are provided. > General expectations, and formatting expectations, are clearly laid out> Requires use of citations for "direct quotes" or "direct references" > Requires use of the writing process > Detailed grading rubric included> Grade 9 at the lowest, unless students are advanced
Pg. 1: Assignment descriptionPg. 2: Six essay topic choices Pg. 3: Six Traits reference page
Pg. 4: Grading rubric
From the Assignment"We will be going through the writing process, every step along the way will be worth points: pre-write (web)draft (rough draft)revise (edit)proofread (final check)publish (final draft)"
Six Traits> Use of the six traits is required> Assignment includes a review handout of the six traits.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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