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Surrounded by Sharks by Michael Northrop: Workbook
Surrounded by Sharks by Michael Northrop: Workbook
Surrounded by Sharks by Michael Northrop: Workbook
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Surrounded by Sharks by Michael Northrop: Workbook

Surrounded by Sharks by Michael Northrop: Workbook with maps & diagrams

Regular price $13.00 Sale

>Questions cover entire novel
>Includes written response, short answer, and true/false questions, approx 1/3 of each type
>74 chapter questions
>14 pages total, last 3 are answer key
>Appropriate for grades 5-6 for at-level readers
>Appropriate for grades 7-10 for below-level readers
>Great for reluctant middle school readers
>Originally made for 8th grade male student who is at a 6th grade reading level and a reluctant reader
>Questions are broken into 7 sections by groups of chapters, such as "Chapters 1-9" questions
>Includes 11 color images, some educational (maps/diagrams) some to entertain


 Same product on TeachersPayTeachers: $16


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