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The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Ch 7 Serious Matters Writing Activity
The Little Prince: Ch 7 Serious Matters Writing Activity

The Little Prince: Ch. 7 Serious Matters Writing Activity

Regular price $2.00 Sale

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

> The concept of “serious matters” highlights the difference between the priorities of adults and of children.
> The assignment has three topics for students to select from. All related to the topics in chapter 7: "serious matters" of adult vs children.
> Each of the three topics can be responded to briefly (2-4 sentences) or at length (2-4 paragraphs) depending on teacher expectations.
> The topics are more about personal response/self-reflection than right/wrong answers.
> Typed twice on one page to save paper.
> No stated length or formatting expectations so teacher can dictate.

Same product on TeachersPayTeachers: $2.25

<>Roughly 8-11th grade level.

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