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Siddhartha by Herman Hesse: Test for chapters Kamala through By the River

Siddhartha by Herman Hesse: Test for chapters Kamala through By the River

Regular price $6.00 Sale

This test covers the middle four chapters of the novel: Kamala, Amongst the People, Samsara, and By the River.

>26 questions total (plus 3 extra credit):
    17 multiple choice
    4 True/False
    5 written response (from 1 sentence to 1 paragraph)
>Answer key on page 5

Example Questions
Who did Siddhartha find sitting near him when he awoke near the river after sleeping?
(A) Gotama
(B) the ferryman
(C) Govinda
(D) Kamala
(E) his father
(F) Kamala’s bird

Siddhartha heard and inner voice when he was with the merchant. The voice
(A) told him to leave
(B) asked him “Why?”
(C) complained quietly
(D) was making him crazy
(E) B & C

What did Kamala say can never be stolen?
(A) fine shoes
(B) wisdom
(C) friendship
(D) love
(E) money
(F) herself

Toward the end of chapter Samsara, Siddhartha reflects on his life as a businessman. He has an awakening. Describe it.

Same product on TeachersPayTeachers: $8

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Siddhartha: Anticipation Activity/Pre-Reading Exercise
Siddhartha: Board Game Project

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