Rubric: Based on Six Traits of Writing - For Teacher or Peer Grading
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Basic Six Traits of Writing Grading Rubric
Can be used by teacher, student, peers, or all three.
Can be used for rough drafts, finals, or both.
Peer Assessment
> Great for teaching students how to revise their work based on input - without the pressure coming from the teacher.
> Takes some of the load off of the teacher when the work has been peer graded and revised before it lands on the teacher's desk.
> Peers are great at being honest - with this rubric teachers can use that to their advantage!
Self Assessment
> Before the teacher uses the rubric for grading, students can assess their own writing first. To be followed by edits based on those self-assessments.
Teacher Assessment
> Can be the only -or second, third, fourth- time the rubric is used on a single writing assignment.
> Use it with any type of writing. Most useful during rough drafting and revising stages of non-fiction essay writing.
> Use it:
> Encourages students to ask peers to review their work - even when a peer grading requirement is not at stake.
- more than once during the course of a single essay
- throughout the school year
- throughout a teaching career
> Teaches critical thinking by showing them how to review a peer's paper in a way that results in useful feedback.
> Section with "Notes to the writer" encourages peer feedback.
> This is our #2 selling resource. Our #1 selling resource is this.
Same resource on TeachersPayTeachers: $6
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