Even Goats Need Closure by Jane Donovan and Holly Trechter
XL Workbook
> From close reading questions to open-ended activities
> 41 pages
Pgs. 2-23 Chapter Comprehension Questions & Vocab.
Pg. 24 Graphic Organizer - Character (Theo)
Pg. 25 Graphic Organizer - Story Mountain Plot Diagramming
Pg. 26 Graphic Organizer - Theo's Family Tree
> Family Tree Key (1 pg.)
> Comprehension Questions Key (7 pgs.)
> 241 comprehension questions
> Three types of questions
> Around 18% of questions are open-ended thought questions. These serve to encourage independent thinking, and prompt & stimulate discussion.
> Family tree graphic organizer is specific to the novel - not generic.
> Book Review Form can be used for ANY novel - a career-long resource.
Example Chapter Questions
> Why are the workers leery of returning to work after the fall?
> What can you infer about Mr. Hendrickson?
> Who offers to show Theo around town?
> What idiom does Mom use on page 201?
> How long has Grandma had a spy?
> Sketch the text Theo sends to her Dad on page 134.
> At this point, what do you know about Theo’s racial background?
> In Ch. 19, the tunnel is used as which literary device: a. metaphor b. pun c. foreshadowing d. tone
> What rhetorical question does Theo ask herself on page 147?
Complete Response Questions
> Share your thoughts about Billy’s behavior at Mildred’s wake. Four sentence minimum
> In what ways is Theo surprised by life in BBB? Two sentence minimum
> Notice how Mom and Aunt Gally behave toward Deputy Hicks. They’re different. How? One sentence minimum
> Book Cover Analysis & Key (2 pgs.)
> Extended Response Writing Assignments/Essays (3 options/3 pgs.)
Extended Response Details
> Three options for a long writing assignment. Whether a couple paragraphs or full essay.
> Three topics, each with a different set of prompting questions, and, topics to "reflect on" (to "get your thoughts rolling").
> Length/Formatting requirements to be provided by teacher. Space for your requirements is provided on the assignment.
> Assign one or let students choose from the three.
Book Cover Analysis Details
> Guides students through a closer look at specific images on the cover.
> Symbolism vs literal ("just") images.
> No wrong answers, this is student interpretation/opinions.
<>All resources are designed for struggling learners. Perfect modified or alternative resource for special education or below-level learners. Reading comprehension questions are not all higher order. Reflective & no wrong answer style inquiries encourage independent thinking. Roughly 8th grade level.