Close Reading: A Modified Graphic Organizer for Any Text
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A one page graphic organizer that students can use with any text, all year long, to develop close reading skills. Modified in language and verbosity from a more complex reading guide so it is suitable for low students - but great for all students.
-Simply laid out, and simply phrased, but not elementary in style or structure
-Two main sections of questions to encourage close reading: "When I Start" & "As I Go"
-Covers perspective, structure, language, topic, etc.
-Appropriate for grades 5-10
-Laminate this document for each student and have them keep it handy to whip out off & on all year to make close reading a natural part of the class reading routine
-Use with fiction, non-fiction, Internet articles, newspapers, poetry
-Some vocabulary defined at bottom
-Reluctant writers will find this invaluable as an aid when writing about what they have read
Same product on TeachersPayTeachers: $4.50
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Themes: Post-Reading Activity & All Year Reading Resource
Vocabulary: Graphic Organizer/Word Study