This is a dual entry reading journal & character graphic organizers for Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass by Meg Medina.
>Limitless journal for use throughout the novel. Teacher can dictate quantity of entries per chapter.
>Cover page
>Example entry
>Task: collect quotes
from the stories which tell the reader something about a character
>Students select a quote then respond telling how it provides the reader with information about the character.
Pgs. 2-6: Journal entry pages
Pg. 7: Example entry
>Three character-focused organizers
Pg. 8: Detailed organizer, requires close reading, based on the protagonist (Piddy)
Pgs. 9-10: Two reusable, spiderweb organizers. Can be used for any character, student or teacher selected. Topic suggestions provided. Career-long novel/story resource.
Same product on TeachersPayTeachers: $7.50